Welcome to Heavy Metal Culture!

Heavy Metal Culture

Officially established March 2020!

How it Works

  • A site run by the metal community, for the metal community
  • A place to share our collective passion
  • A place to share bands that deserve recognition
  • Weekly updates (to start)
  • Subscribe to keep up to date on the site as it evolves

The Focus As We Begin This Journey

  • New This Week – New music that grabs our attention
  • Album & Concert Reviews
  • Bands you Should Know – Band Profiles
  • From the Archives – Giving some attention to older bands/albums/songs that may have been underrated in their time
  • Community Forums
  • Lists (e.g. Top Albums of 2019)
  • Promotion of other segments of the metal culture (both online and offline)

Are you in a BAND?

  • Want a chance to be featured?
  • Want your album to be reviewed?
  • Want to be included in our community?
  • Contact: sitemanager@heavymetalculture.com

Are you a Metal FAN?

  • Have a favorite band you’d like showcased on the site? Let us know!
  • Looking for an opportunity to contribute articles or other content to our site?
  • E-mail us at admin@heavymetalculture.com

Sign-up For Your Weekly Metal Fix!


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