ICED EARTH – Top 25 Songs

10. “Burning Times

Something Wicked This Way Comes (1998)

“Burning Times” can compete for title of ICED EARTH’s most recognizable song. It is also a regular in the band’s live rotation. The track is pure metal and even has some “For Whom the Bell Tolls” vibes, ringing bells included.

9. “When the Night Falls

Iced Earth (1991)

Originally performed on their debut album, “When the Night Falls” has one of the best guitar riffs in metal history. The song is also able to balance melody with brute force aggression. While the original vocals set the song back, the re-worked version with Matt Barlow propels this track to a well-deserved top 10 spot.

8. “High Water Mark

The Glorious Burden (2004)

The conclusion to the ‘Gettysburg Trilogy’ is filled with emotion, foreshadowing, and heartbreak. The song is epic, heavy, and a great example of storytelling in music. There is so much depth to this song that even non-metal fans will appreciate what ICED EARTH is doing here. Be prepared for goosebumps and self-reflection.

7. “Damien

Horror Show (2001)

“Damien” includes one of my all-time favorite riffs. Every aspect of this track is done to perfection. From the simple, yet effective verse to the vocal harmonies, this is incredibly well done metal.

6. “My Own Savior

Something Wicked This Way Comes (1998)

“My Own Savior” is a widespread fan favorite track and for good reason. It is straight-forward power/thrash metal and one of the most ‘headbang-able’ ICED EARTH songs. You can’t ask for much more out of your metal music than this.

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